Sunrise Movement Columbus

About Sunrise Columbus

We are the Columbus hub of the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led campaign to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.

We're building an army of young people to make climate change an urgent priority for Central Ohio, end the corrupting influence of fossil fuel executives on our politics, and elect leaders who stand up for the health and wellbeing of all people.

We seek environmental justice, knowing that the mainstream environmental movement has for too long excluded communities of color, working class people, and indigenous communities, while these communities face the brunt of environmental degradation. Climate justice is inextricably intertwined with racial justice, economic justice, gender justice, immigrant justice, and indigenous sovereignty.

We are working to pass Green New Deal legislation in Columbus, across Ohio, and at the federal level that addresses climate change, creates millions of green jobs, and provides a sustainable future for us all.

Learn more about the Sunrise Movement and what we do in Columbus.

To get more involved with Sunrise Columbus and grow our movement, fill out our interest form

Check out our bi-monthly newsletter, The Life Preserver: Climate News to Keep You Afloat.

Read speeches from the Global Climate Strike we hosted at the Ohio Statehouse on March 19th.

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